Sunday Nov.3 2024
10am - 6pm
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Sakura Way Toronto ON M3C 1Z5
Drink. Learn. Enjoy to the last drop.
Drink, learn and enjoy Japanese tea to the last drop. We would like to convey the charm of Japanese culture to everyone in Canada through tea. Please come and join us to celebrate the Japanese Tea Festival.
Guest speakers will invite you into the depths of rich Japanese culture in various aspects. Don't miss this amazing opportunity.
Vendors offering delicious Japanese teas have gathered together from Toronto. Each tea vendor chooses its tea leaves with commitment and pride. The interesting thing about Japanese tea leaves is that even though they may be called by the same name, such as sencha, if they come from different regions they will have different flavours due to the varying climate and topography of each region. It is not about which tea is superior or inferior. Please enjoy and compare teas to find out which one you like best. All visitors will be given a cup for sampling and comparing tea samples. Happy Sipping & Enjoy!

Indulge the depths of the culture through the products crafted by artisans
Get in touch
Nihoncha Canada was established in conjunction with this event with the belief that it is a bridge between Japan and Canada and the future development of Japanese tea.
Our mission is to become the point of contact for existing Japanese Tea lovers and cultivate the culture for those who have not yet discovered the beauty of Japanese Tea.
Celebrate all aspects of tea culture through our interactive workshops and exhibits